Staff Training
Training helps companies improve the skills of their existing workforce. Wisconsin Job Centers and regional Workforce Development Boards coordinate with businesses to create programs can meet the unique needs of specific companies or industry clusters.
Staff training resources on Job Center of Wisconsin
- Wisconsin Fast Forward, employer-led worker training grants.
- Wisconsin Apprenticeship, on-the-job learning with related classroom instruction.
- Training programs for the incumbent worker, including opportunities.
- Customized training programs to meet the changing needs of business and industry.
- On-the-Job Training resources can help with the costs associated with training newly hired employees.
- Research on training ROI. Training pays!
Work-based learning in Wisconsin
- Workbased Learning programs prepare students to successfully enter the workforce.
- Youth Apprenticeship integrates school-based and work-based learning to instruct students in employability and occupational skills defined by Wisconsin industries.
Staff training resources outside of Job Center of Wisconsin
- Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) job-training programs including the Dislocated Worker program.
- Services for Employers from the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, may help with re-training if a person has been hurt or has work-related limitations.
- Customized training programs from the Wisconsin Technical College System are designed to meet the changing needs of business and industry.
- Training and Education Center, a product of Career OneStop, provides information on the impact of training, determining training needs, and where to find training.
- Business, Industry, and Key Sector Initiatives, from the US Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration.