Labor Market Information - CES Tool

CES Dynamic Charts

What is CES?

Current Employment Statistics (CES) provides the current month's employment. CES measures the growth or decline in the number of jobs, hours, and hourly earnings.

What is CES Dynamic Charts?

CES Dynamic Charts is an Excel-based economic analysis tool used to analyze the CES results. The tool contains dashboards, dynamic charts, dynamic reports, and a historic data visualization of Wisconsin's economy. The Excel-based tool allows users to instantly view CES job results dynamically by time frame and sector for both seasonally adjusted and not seasonally adjusted data (SA Charts and NSA Charts worksheets). The user simply enters the date/or date range, chooses sectors from a drop-down menu, and the reports and charts are instantly updated. These charts allow users to quickly and easily access CES performance results for analysis purposes.

The tool also features a Historical Analysis view. The Historical Analysis displays the relative performance of each sector, with different colors representing a change in job gains or losses. This innovative color-based data visualization allows the user to easily see and analyze changes in Wisconsin's economy over time.

The tool contains both seasonally adjusted and not-seasonally adjusted data and is updated monthly. The data it contains is also published on Wisconsin's WorkNet.

More instructions are available in the tool's first worksheet.

Download the CES Dynamic Charts . XLSM - 692 KB

This tool was developed in the Labor Market Information section of the Department of Workforce Development.

Contact the MyLMI mailbox with questions regarding the CES tool